Assignment 3A: Updating Multimedia Learning Object

For H5P purposes, this blog is under my new WordPress site. My main blog site is:

Above is my updated H5P video for learning about adding third-party subtitles to Netflix. I have altered and improved various materials by applying the Multimedia learning principles in order to make it a better H5P video for learning.

I mainly made two types of changes. The first one is that I improved the Signalling Principle. The original H5P video also consists of elements that apply to the Signalling Principle. This time, I decided to improve the object using the blackened font and italics to emphasize and remind learners of the important contents.

The second type of change I made is to improve the influence of the Feedback Principle. In the first H5P video I made, when students check an answer, they only know whether they are correct, but that is the only feedback they get, which is inefficient to learn better. I made several small alterations. For example, now there is a scoring system that keeps the score of all the questions learners have answered. At the end of the video, the viewer can see his/her score as a summary. Another improvement I made is that the viewers will now get feedback comments after answering every question. This way, students learn much more efficiently and will be given suggestions when they hit a bump somewhere.

The improvements I made strengthened the Signalling principle and Feedback principle. Students can now focus on the essential contents and know how they did along the way and at the end of the lesson video.

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